When I do find the time, it always seems to be Tuesdays that I can finally blog. Tuesdays mean tattoos and thus I'm worried my blog followers/readers may have a misconception developed or developing that "Maddie is obsessed with only...tattoos." I might scream at you, "THIS IS NOT TRUE!" For if you took a tour of my home, you would find the 'slaves of my flesh' are books. Someday soon I will get around to blogging about the books, for I hear them grumbling now that tattoos are no match for the mighty words their pages hold.
With that being said, today's tattoo is actually from the word realm (Books sigh and are appeased for a short time).
My favorite number is based solely on visual appeal. Growing up when I liked the look of a letter or number and I wasn't already writing it in the style presented, I decided at that moment...learn to write the 'a' with the additional loop, etc. Then I came across an 8 and instead of the sloppy traditional style, it looked as though two 'o's had been stacked on top of each other, snowman style. I HAD to 'force' myself to learn this new '8'. I can't help how my mind works. Mum said it was called a carpenter's '8', but I didn't care I just liked writing my '8s' that way. Where is this explanation going? Today's tattoo utilizes the carpenter '8' and words too! I'm starting to think I need to rent some skin to fill with all the tattoo ideas I'm getting.
Fleshy (After)
Graphic (Before)
Once again I have tumblr to thank for today's featured tattoo. At least this time I didn't go looking for it...it just magically appeared in my tumblr feed as though to say, "You need me." Oh yes and RIB TATTOO...HELLO! What goes around comes back around. . . you reap what you sow.
It's a awesome blog.