One of my favorite parts of my posts is coming up with corky titles. I guess I’m just weird that way.
I believe in my last post I mentioned a goal of reading 15 books by the end of the month. While I may still have 5 more reading days (including today) I think I’ll post what I have finished for the month. I’m still crossing my fingers that I can finish 15 for the month. However, unless my parents are willing not to see me for the entire weekend I doubt this is a goal I can accomplish. I know what you’re thinking; I need to be a positive thinker. I tend to be the person that is less positive; it helps in not being disappointment with the outcome. My mother hates this. (I’m chuckling to myself. I can just picture what she would be saying.) Anyways below is the list of books finished for September that I might be able to add to.
1. Legacy by Cayla Kluver
2. The Crimson Thread by Suzanne Weyn
3. Snow by Tracy Lynn
4. The Storyteller’s Daughter by Cameron Dokey
5. Midnight Pearls by Debbie Viguie
6. Scarlet Moon by Debbie Viguie
7. Sunlight and Shadow by Cameron Dokey
8. The Rose Bride by Nancy Holder (I only have pages left of this to read.)
As you noticed 2 through 8 are from the Once Upon A Time series. My sister loves these books and said I should read them. I’ve liked all of them except Sunlight and Shadow. It didn’t really grip my attention like the others. I know you might consider it cheating that I read all these books. I should have read books more my style. The truth is I was motivated to read these books because I figured they’d be quick reads. Guilty as charged.
I will post if I manage to read more books.
I believe in my last post I mentioned a goal of reading 15 books by the end of the month. While I may still have 5 more reading days (including today) I think I’ll post what I have finished for the month. I’m still crossing my fingers that I can finish 15 for the month. However, unless my parents are willing not to see me for the entire weekend I doubt this is a goal I can accomplish. I know what you’re thinking; I need to be a positive thinker. I tend to be the person that is less positive; it helps in not being disappointment with the outcome. My mother hates this. (I’m chuckling to myself. I can just picture what she would be saying.) Anyways below is the list of books finished for September that I might be able to add to.
1. Legacy by Cayla Kluver
2. The Crimson Thread by Suzanne Weyn
3. Snow by Tracy Lynn
4. The Storyteller’s Daughter by Cameron Dokey
5. Midnight Pearls by Debbie Viguie
6. Scarlet Moon by Debbie Viguie
7. Sunlight and Shadow by Cameron Dokey
8. The Rose Bride by Nancy Holder (I only have pages left of this to read.)
As you noticed 2 through 8 are from the Once Upon A Time series. My sister loves these books and said I should read them. I’ve liked all of them except Sunlight and Shadow. It didn’t really grip my attention like the others. I know you might consider it cheating that I read all these books. I should have read books more my style. The truth is I was motivated to read these books because I figured they’d be quick reads. Guilty as charged.
I will post if I manage to read more books.
What do dust and spiders have in common? They both love my house. Especially since I live in an old house, it was built around 1860. Why am I mentioning s

Cool, huh?
A friend at work shared an article with me. I thought I would post for you to take a look at. The article is called 10 Books Not To Read Before You Die. While I don’t agree with some things said in the article it made for a good chuckle.
Another long post sorry.
No quote of the day today, but I do have a poem for you. I receive a poem everyday in my email by a different classic poet. Last week I received one by William Blake. The poem doesn't seem to want to leave my head and he is my favorite poet so below is the poem.
Poem of the day:
A Poison Tree
By William Blake
I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe;
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
And I water'd it in fears,
Night & morning with my tears;
And I sunned it with my smiles
And with soft deceitful wiles.
And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright;
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine,
And into my garden stole
When the night had veil'd the pole:
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretch'd beneath the tree